Thursday, March 17, 2011

Saint Paddy's Day - Blissfully Demolished

"Just like James, I'll be drinking Irish tonight..." -Against Me!, Pints of Guinness Make You Strong

Tonight is the night - it is Saint Patrick's Day, which as you know is more or less Devil's Night for the drunk and Irish. It is also the night of the Big Show. The band will be playing tonight to a near sold-out crowd at Webster Underground in Hartford. And it promises to be a total Shitshow. This is what Shakespeare meant when he wrote "Beware the ides of March." The Horror...

Good timing, because it is also the night of the Album Release. Hell and High Water couldn't stop the inevitable - after six year of on-and-off recording, Bloodshot Hooligans, Bring Back the Spirit is on sale now. It was only a matter of time, really, but six years is a long, long time in the realm of local music - so much so that the landscape has literally changed... apparently, local bands don't put out CD's anymore, they release albums online. That's a hell of a wake-up call - it's like going in to record a tape in '88 and finally releasing a CD in '94. Or a fucking laser-disc.

But on to the show, because that's what's important. Tonight is the aforementioned Shitshow, which won't be a kiss-me-I'm-Irish event, there will be No Mistletoe here... No, this will be a night dedicated to Jameson, Guinness, sweat, sing-a-longs and ear-busting guitars. I might even crank that fucker to Eleven... all in the hopes that when the smoke clears and the dust settles, you will find me, lying in my own bed, curled into a ball as small as I can get, with my thumb in my mouth, utterly and completely blissfully demolished.

Erin go bragh...

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