Thursday, March 24, 2011

Good Choices from Bad Decision Country

Although this is officially Bad Decision Country, and I am currently the Mayor (or Grand Marquis, depending on who you ask), it is my unmistakable ability to identify these Bad Decisions which puts me in an authoritative position to help others make informed decisions based on quality - good or bad.

It is in this way that, whilst driving someone else's car and it's thoroughly intoxicated owner back to my place to crash following the Saint Paddy's Day show, that I painted a picture of life in a land without intelligent interaction or any meaning whatsoever. A place where grizzled beards are not ironic and the alcoholism is just a cruel side-effect of deep loneliness. And for all this pain and suffering the motivational compensation is truly pittance, however flashy. Who moves to Maine for a Kia, give or take?

It was a good heart to heart with a meaningful outcome. This decision, explained in further detail on her blog here, was just a weird little blip in an altogether strange weekend. But just so I'm absolutely clear: Kat, I am taking credit for your decision.

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