A brief synopsis...
WikiLeaks is a website dedicated to disseminating sensitive information, typically whistle blowing type information. They got their hands on some Cables - IE communications - from various American Diplomats, and put them on the internet. This is the equivalent of publishing a high school girl's text messages and passing them around the school.
Sure the information is sensitive - but in ten years the event will be remembered as a bold move to create transparency in American Government. So let's not get all upset just yet.
As for the fella in charge, Julian Assange, he is not American, nor is he living anywhere near America. This means two things: 1 - He can't be tried for treason. 2 - He can't site freedom of speech. The backlash for the Big Dump will be swift and painful. This happening is seen by the American Government as Big-Time Enemy stuff. This guy is hosed. From now on, everything he touches will turn to poison. No country will help him because it could have easily been their cables.
Who knows if the Sex Crime charges against him are true - it doesn't matter. What may or may not have happened between Julian, two women, an ostrich and a frozen turkey is of little concern - it's certainly nothing Australia would extradite over. This is just the neat little bow tied on the fact that he has been bundled up and handed over. He has allowed himself to become an information martyr to the US. When the wash finally gets pulled from the line, we won't have the same access to cheap and easy information that we did for this one shining moment in history. Here lies the Spirit of the Internet 1989*-2010. May it rest In peace.
* Let's not split hairs here.
ReplyDeleteAnd to think, I wasn't going to write anything today...