Sometimes strange ideas get stuck in your head and they just keep cropping up...
For some reason I keep referencing Susan Powter in conversation lately. Sure, the idea of this bald workout queen is semi-funny as an 90's reference. But why? I actually had to think about this for a while.
Even in the very early 90's, a woman with a shaved head was actually a thing - an issue that challenged people - something people talked about, comedians referenced. And I'm sure that she was the number one entry on at least one Dave Letterman Top Ten list. We really have come that far in the past twenty years, we have accepted the balded woman into our standards - which is strange because, socially, we tip-toe around so much in the name of political correctness that we've inadvertently accepted certain strangenesses into the norm just to keep them at bay. I guess that isn't that strange, though, as culture co-opts counter culture for the sake of diluting it.
But now, sadly, Susan Powter is like a telegraph - a strange and mystical obsolete machine we no longer have any use for. She has officially washed up on the shore of pop culture. I kind of feel bad for her, dead meat on the sand like the Montauk monster. Where is she now? Why don't I care?
It's Friday, so for now I'll press up up down down left right left right b a start. I could use thirty extra lives...
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