I know where it all went wrong. Hanging out and eating grilled pizzas and enjoying a few beverages with some friends last Friday night, I was offered and sent home with an off copy of Boondock Saints II - All Saints Day. I was promised that it would be just as disappointing, if not more so, than expected. I was told that a Mexican now plays Rocco and a woman now plays the role of Agent Smecker (Willem Dafoe). I remembered how weird Willem Dafoe looks - and that a friend of mine has strange crush on him (she knows who she is).
Time travel through Saturday, more or less, straight on through to Sunday night. Watching Boardwalk Empire, I remember how weird Steve Buscemi looks. I remember how I remembered how weird Willem Dafoe looks, I remember how weird Steve Buscemi looks, I realize that the both look really weird and then my mind breaks and I remember how weird Willem Dafoe looked in the Original Boondock Saints when he's dressed up as the stripper then I realize how weird the two of them, Willem and Steve, would look arm wrestling, regular wrestling, having sex.
You're welcome.
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