Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lawnmower Man

If you could get out of your own head for just one moment, maybe this would all make sense...
Mowing the lawn with my POS fifteen dollar used lawn mower yesterday I came to the realization that this will be the last time I mow this year. That's not true. But I would be All Set if I didn't have to mow it again. Ever. Maybe I could bribe one of the neighborhood kids to do it. Do the kids still like to barter? I've got some cookies and ice cream. I could run to the store for some Chuckles.

I don't like this mower - it surges, which is annoying with that whiiiiir-whiiiiir-whiiiir sound that it makes... it can't seem to keep a steady idle. I suppose I could fit some kind of crude throttle system to it. That might be fun. But what it really needs is more aggressive carburetion. I don't think the blade is spinning fast enough because I'm not fully convinced someone could get seriously hurt operating this thing. I think with a little carburetor redesign, some high flow exhaust and a twist-grip throttle control I might just be able to solve the neighborhood rabbit problem.


  1. I may consider mowing lawn if you substitute chuckles for mambas... Emmm mambas. Hey!! Remember Bonkers candy??? Kids would totally mow your lawn for bonkers

  2. Vaguely remember. My memory is scratchy. I DO very much remember Razzles - the candy that turns into gum. Which really just means that it's very dry gum.

  3. I vote super mower, you know you could probably jerry rig some performance 2cycle parts onto that mower, i can help!

  4. "I'm not fully convinced someone could get seriously hurt operating this thing" #famouslastwords
