A brief synopsis of what is happening in Egypt, as told through the story of the Thundercats...
The proletariat of Egypt, here described as Lion-O, is a child stuck in the body of an adult cat-like humanoid, and the true leader of the people of Egypt, or Thundercats. The Thundercats have converged on downtown Cairo, here Third Earth, to dethrone President Hosni Mubarak (Mumm-Rah).
This is where it gets tricky. Lion-O has seen that unemployment levels and cost of food have risen to unspeakable levels, and he has enlisted the help of some of the other Thundercats like Panthro (the Egyptian Military) and to some small extent and after a great deal of reluctance, Tygra (the Egyptian Police).
The argument was so compelling and rather intimidating due to the sheer muscle (protesters) of Lion-O, that Mumm-Rah had no choice to concede, promise not to run for re-election and fire all of the Ancient Spirits of Evil (President Hosni's cabinet). This minimal victory lead to vicious clashes on the streets of Third Earth between Lion-O and the Mutants of Plun-darr (President Hosni's Supporters), resulting in minor injuries to Snarf (Anderson Cooper).
At this point the resignation of Mumm-Rah seems imminent, as Lion-O will soon invoke the Sword of Omen (the UN), and use the power of the Eye of Thundera (popular international political opinion) to strike him from his post.
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