Monday, October 4, 2010

Drive Fast! Live More in Less Time! Go America!

Round and round we go...

There is something horrifying and all-around unholy happening on our paved roads. We all know it and we're too afraid to say anything about it - until Now.

Slow moving vehicles are killing people on our highways Every Day. If I lose 5 minutes to slow traffic every day on my commute to work, another 5 minutes on my way home, that's 10 minutes a day. 50 minutes a week. 216 minutes a month. That's 43.3 hours a year. Work for ten years and that's 18 days.

Thanks to slow moving old ladies, I have lost a month of my life Already, just by driving to work. This doesn't even account for nights and weekends. The Newington High Indians Football booster club is stealing my life, minutes at a time, flagrantly, Despondently, right in front of my eyes - Those Fools! - and they do it with a glaring defiance as the look back in their rear view mirror!

The bottom line is they just don't know the math. We must Teach them. Every speed limit sign is not only a suggestion, but also an implied equation. To hell with the American standard plus 10 mph - you must drive at least three times the posted speed or get the hell out of the way Immediately! You're killing me!

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