"That head of hair is too good for the Valley." - Ari Gold
Preparing for a trade show is a lot like poking yourself in the eye with a fork. There's an extreme sense of urgency, and it all comes down to that last lingering moment when all the Magic happens - the world around you disappears and you struggle to focus on the horrible, life-changing thing that's about to happen. And you did it to yourself.
Well, shit. If that analogy worked for a trade show, maybe it works for our country, too. Any time I try to pay any attention to the news or what's happening in the world around me, I feel like I'm poking myself in the eye with a fork - staring down the tines and I can't look away, and in the end I only come away hurt.
Just the other day I read an excerpt from Matt Taibbi's new book that painted a picture of modern politics as Wild West scene run by a bunch of two-bit hustlers and Pole Junkies (popularity poles, you dimwit), hocking America to a Baghdad pawn shop at deep discounts. Leasing highway overpasses, selling off parking meter revenue to the highest bidder and other fun tricks that really tickle your gag reflex.
I'm drained... at the end of my fork there's a big white meatball staring back at me. What does it want? I should have used a spoon...
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