Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Summer of Zombies

Sadly, the most powerful firework lit off this weekend was a sparkler. Although, I would be remiss to exclude Dave exploding a lighter in the driveway and it would be a lousy shame not to at least give an honorable mention to Mike for not only suggesting the creation of a sparkler bomb, but for also pulling out a raging gas fire in his back yard in the Zero Hour - i.e. 8 PM on Monday. But it is all probably for the best that we didn't get into the bottle rockets, roman candles and the mighty M-1000's, as we did trounce several handles overproof rum and god only knows how much beer, liquor, wine and other assorted sundries...

But even without the fireworks we were still soundly within reasonable risk of dramatic and sudden amputation, thanks mainly to a malfunctioning reciprocating saw and a flagrant lack of safety equipment. It was a long weekend, after all.

For now we shall brace ourselves against the Summer of 2011, the Summer of Zombies, nasty clowns and in-general clock cleaning. To quote Sheriff Brody from Jaws: "You're gonna need a bigger boat." Embrace this, or we all are doomed.

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