I figure the best way to show those bastards (goddamnit I won't succumb to your tomfoolery you swine) is to fool your liver and the liver of others. When I leave work today I will immediately head home and pour big glasses for me, Jenny, and our dog Django - we will hide in the basement and drink the tricks away. He-he, lets see those reckless buffoons find me.
But that's neither here nor there, because on a much more important note I must call your attention to some scary and doom-bringing prospects. Chiefly this: due to the sheer magnitude of the quakes in Japan, compounded by the wholesale extraction of fossil fuels from beneath the Earth's crust, a rather large amount of ocean water has seeped through the tectonic plates in the Pacific Ocean and quenched the Earth's core. Although it will take some twenty years for the effects to become critical and more importantly, permanent, be sure of this - there will be a global run on canned beans, peanut butter, jelly, and various underground bunker building materials. It's about to become very chilly, and the Nuclear winds that are blowing this way are going to light up the mighty Redwoods like glow sticks. Har har (4/1).
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