Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Recent Driving Explained

Passing and swerving, passing and swerving...

These days, when I head out on the road I'm ready for battle. I wear highly tactile leather gloves even when it isn't that cold out, and thin-soled soccer shoes for sensitivity. Yes sir, I am ready. Now that there's snow, the roads are teaming with assholes - assholes as far as the eye can see.

For some reason, these bastards don't understand the importance of knocking the snow from their car's roof. They could just be lazy, but I'm fairly certain that this act is mostly a cruel joke committed by some viciously amoral confrontationalists. Particularly the ones in SUVs.

But I'm not one to get my feelings hurt - why should I feel bad when a fifty pound sheet of snow hurtles from the roof of some rogue Explorer and explodes on my windshield? I'm already on it. Whether snow is flying off the roof or not, I will be there, swerving at these assholes at speeds well in excess of the posted limits. Passing and swerving, passing and swerving.

I suggest you do the same - they are easy enough to spot, their white roofs sticking out conspicuously. Pull alongside the offending vehicle. Once you're about half way in front of the other car, sharply jerk the wheel and enter their lane. Don't worry, they will react - and in these times of weather, they probably won't even blame you.

Stay vigilant.

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